acesrmagic said:
I got tired of fighting Vista and went back to xp . Problem I cant seem to
get a complete download of xps 2, I have alresdy got all the updates back
xps1. I am getting error 0x80072f78.
Download the entire SP2 as one file. about 260 meg, burn it to CD (for
later) and install from the local file. This can be much more reliable
than using Windows Update.
There is no point in getting any pre-SP2 updates first. Immediately after
an SP1 or pre-SP1 install, install SP2 from the CD. Then you can start
into getting the post-SP2 updates, around 80 of them now.
Google "XP SP2 IT" and this is the first hit:
Alternately, slipstream your XP install CD to take it up to SP2. Google
"autostreamer" and "slipstream XP" for details on this. When you do a
repair install, SP2 will already be installed. Some OEM cds, that have
other updates included, can't be slipstreamed; Dell disks are bad for this.