XPS Viewer EP - How to Maximize the Viewer on Open

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Both XP/Vista
Concern: XPS Viewer EP (set as default, on opening XPS files)

I can mazimise on open the shortcut XPS Viewer EP, however anytime I click
on a XPS file, it opens in a normal windows. Moreover, Windows XP/Vista
remember the last window size, XPS Viewer does not.

Anyone to help me opening XPS files in the XPS Viewer EP Maximized on Open
(file option, registry?),

Create a shortcut, and put it in the Quick Launch area. Give the shortcut a
command something like:

<path>XPSViewer.exe %1

Rightclick to set the Properties of the shortcut to 'Run' maximized

Drag your *.XPS file onto the shortcut
Thanks for the tip Mark.

I am looking to OPEN .XPS files in a maximized windows--or in a window of a
greater size of the original viewer--from their respective folders.

I have a large collection of XPS files to open/close manytimes a day, so
dragging is not the fastest way.

Mortimer Snerd said:
Yeah it really stinks that they made it so the window won't stay

I know this doesn't answer you question


That question was asked OVER A YEAR AGO, you dummy.