A small, probably a silly issue. But I cannot resolve this.
My computer time is off by 1hr - obviously the DST changes have caused this
In my date/time settings:
Timezone: Eastern (-5)
Automatically adjust for daylight saving time: Checked
In Internet Time:
Automatically synchronize with Internet time server: Checked
Dropdown selection on: time.microsoft.com
I just did an update of internet time synchronization and it changed the
computer time to 8:55am when the correct time is 9:55am.
I tried downloading the DST update from Microsoft, but when I try to install
it, it tells me that this update is already installed.
This is messing up my Outlook, which is in turn messing up my sync with my
My computer time is off by 1hr - obviously the DST changes have caused this
In my date/time settings:
Timezone: Eastern (-5)
Automatically adjust for daylight saving time: Checked
In Internet Time:
Automatically synchronize with Internet time server: Checked
Dropdown selection on: time.microsoft.com
I just did an update of internet time synchronization and it changed the
computer time to 8:55am when the correct time is 9:55am.
I tried downloading the DST update from Microsoft, but when I try to install
it, it tells me that this update is already installed.
This is messing up my Outlook, which is in turn messing up my sync with my