XPe registry

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I'm running into a problem with the registry settings for my XPe Image.

I've added some registry settings to the image, like a setting to get
another background, and some settings for the fonts I added. When I
boot the image, the fonts aren't recognized by our software, and the
background is still blue, with in the right corner the text: "Windows
XP Embedded Evaluation Copy"
When I look in the registry, the keys are added, and the files needed
are in the correct directory's. It seems that XPe doesn't pick up the
registry settings.

Can you tell me what this problem is, and how to solve it? It's the
only thing left I have to do about the image!



You should probably tell us what custom settings you added to your image and what puprpose for.

To get rid of the Evaluation copy right bottom text you will need to use a correct PID number in TD when you build the image.

I added the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control
Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper to the image. The value is set to the path
where my background iamge is situated. I've added the registry key in
the target designer, at the "extra registry data".
When I boot the image and look in the registry, I see that the registry
key is added in the registry. But the background of my image is still
Can it be that the background isn't shown until we get a PID number?

The same problem occures with a registry setting for a font I added to
the image. I made a component for the font style "arial narrow", added
a repository, and the following registry setting:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
Value name = Ariel Narrow (True Type)
value = arialn.ttf
When I look in the registry of the image, the key is added, and the
file arialn.ttf is placed in the folder C:\Windows\Fonts\
But the font isn't recognized by our software.


The registry you should have set is [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop],"Wallpaper". (not under HKCU branch)

The Wallpaper and [no-]PID are unrelated. If you have no correct PID entered in TD, you will see the Evaluation text on any

I tried the registry key in the HKEY_USERS branch, but I still get the
default blue background. I added the registry key in TD in the "Extra
Registry Data".
This is was I have set:

Keyname: .DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
Value name: Wallpaper
Type: REG_SZ
Registry path: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper
Value: %10%\NavVision\background.jpg
Selected: Default
Discription: -
Application build types: Release and Debug

In the advanced proporties I've got:

This resource requires localization is NOT selected.
Write options: Always write this value
Build order: 1000
ComponentVSGUID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
KeyPath: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
RegCond: 1
RegOp: 1
RegType: 1
ValueName: Wallpaper
RegValue: %10%\NavVision\background.jpg

I looked in the registry, and the key is added to the registry,
pointing to C:\NavVision\background.jpg
I also looked in the directory, and the file is placed in that

Hope you can tell me what I'm doing wrong here, can it be the %10% I
set for the path?

Kind Regards,

%10% is not a problem since TD fixes up registry values (it is fixed in your registry hive as you indicated).

Try .bmp file as wallpaper.

tried a .bmp as wallpaper, same problem occurs. It seems that XPe just
won't use the registry settings.


Have you tried creating a Master image and then resealing it?

Section: "Reseal Phase"
snip: "If you set this property to 0, only the cloning tools are
copied to the run-time image and the cloning phase does not occur. By
delaying the reseal phase, you can make additional updates to your
run-time image after FBA. Applications can be installed, or other
changes can be made to your run-time image. If the reseal phase is set
to 0, you must manually use the Fbreseal.exe utility to start the
reseal phase. The utility is located in the %Windir%\system32
directory. For information on running the fbreseal command, see
FBRESEAL Commands."

Weird. The setting worked fine for me and other folks here.

You may want to try the same bitmap/jpg files and the same registry setting on your XP Pro machine to see how it works.

If it still doesn't work the same way on your XPe image, it must be something missing from there (but I'd be surprised by that).
Then you may want to show some info about your image with us.

One thing though you should try first. Please move the bitmap file to \windows\system32 directory and correct the path.

tried in XP pro to set the wallpaper in the registry.
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Wallpaper isn't the wright one, it
only sets the background at startup. When I set the wallpaper at
HKET_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Wallpaper, with a bmp file, then the
wallpaper is set to that image!

Now I tried it in XPe. And you know what? It worked! :-)
Thanx for your help! I still have to figure out why the fonts aren't
working, but I'm sure now that it can't be the registry.



You probably realize that HKCU branch is not available before the logon.
This leads me to believe we were talking about different wallpaper backgrounds. Yours probably was the one after logon - the user

Anyway, I am glad you fixed what you needed :-)