Hi Michael,
XPe is Windows XP for an embedded system. It is NOT a proper Real-Time
Operating System for an embedded system (such as VxWorks, RTOS, etc), as you
might expect, although some argue that it is a "soft real-time OS". It is
essentially a custom (cut down version) of the Windows XP Operating System
for your target embedded system. You use the MS XPe Target Builder to
specify which modules/drivers you need for your target, and the target
builder generates an image for you. You then run this image (first boot
agent) on your target and it builds a custom Windows XP Operating System on
your target system, for your target.
For example, you may not want Internet Explorer and Media Player for your
target, so you exclude these from the image when you build the image.
Once you've built your XPe OS, you should download the updates required from
the MS web site. I assume you can (just as you would with Windows XP on
your PC) download the required version of the .Net installer (I think it is
dotnetfx.exe) from the MS site and install it on your target, assuming also
that your version of XPe on the target has all the modules required by the
..Net framework.
I hope this helps.
Michael Nemtsev said:
Hello Hawk,
what is the XPE?
WBR, Michael Nemtsev [.NET/C# MVP] :: blog:
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" (c) Michelangelo
H> Hello, Does anyone now if xpe will support .net 3.5 when it is a
H> final release?
H> H> Thank You,
H> Hawk