XPe Compatible Printer

  • Thread starter Thread starter MickeyBob
  • Start date Start date


I looking for a relatively cheap, USB printer that is
compatible with Windows XPe. I've searched pretty hard
and haven't found one that explicitly states it's XPe
compatible so I guess I'm looking for someone who has
found a printer with a XP driver that works with XPe too.
Any suggestions are welcome.

This is going to sound like a canned answer, (and it is). If it will work on
XP Pro it will work on XP Embedded. That being said it's more work then it
sounds like sometimes. If the printer is part of the XPe database by default
your golden. If it requires a new component be built sometimes it's easy,
and sometimes it's not so easy.

You can also check www.xpefiles.com to see if any are there, but I don't
think there are.

So in short, pick the printer that you want to support, check to see if it's
natively supported, if not pull up a chair and fill the coffee mug.


Brad Combs
Imago Technologies

(You'll have to excuse me for trying to be cute, it's late here and I've got
at least 3 more hours ahead of me!)
That's what we thought. Unfortunately, our first venture
has been a bust. We purchased an HP3520 and get 99% thru
the install and we're told the install has failed but no
error message is given. :( We've tried the full feature
version of the driver from the install CD and the "basic"
feature version which I downloaded from the web but get
the same result.

I'll give www.xpefiles.com a go. Thanks for the
Just to clarify few things.
If you are building XPe image then you can componentize any driver than is
made for Windows XP to work with XPe.

If you are only using XPe made by some company, then it will be much harder
for you to make it work.

It is alway a great idea to check if XPe supports a viable alternative
out of the box, there is a realitivly large selectiong of hardware to

Cause sure alot of the time its easy to componetalize the driver but
other times its a head ache

I guess I may to clarify things a little. I'm not
actually buiding the OS image. I'm just trying to install
an off-the-shelf printer driver as an end-user. I don't
have Embedded Studio nor the hardware specific
components. I'm trying to install the driver on an
industrial PC/PLC combination unit, specifically a
Beckhoff CX-1000. Am I missing something big?

Thanks for the help!
Unfortunately for you this is what I thought.
Am I missing something big?
I don't know what level of understanding you have regarding what XPe is.
But it is enough to say, that what you have could be anything and it depends
on what your device manufacturer put in your XPe image.
If it was full XPe build it could execute and install every driver available
for Windows XP.

So you can try to contact some support regarding your device manufacturer.

Or you can try on your own to figure out how to install printer driver
manually in registry. Or to adjust your driver package so it install itself
in your XPe.

You should provide us with more info about exact error you are facing. But
there is very little we can do for you.
