XPE Administrator Shortcuts




I want to do something very simple, but I can't figure out how to do
it. I want to add a shortcuts for a hyperterm session and a .lnk file
to the start menu for the administrator account. It's easy to do for
All Users and Default User, but I need it for the administrator only.
Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance.


Have you tried adding the .lnk files to your runtime under something like
"%24\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative
Tools" (or any path you prefer) ?
Just create a component to add the files into your runtime (or add files to
an existing component in CD, or project "Extra files" in TD).


b> Hello,

b> I want to do something very simple, but I can't figure out how to do
b> it. I want to add a shortcuts for a hyperterm session and a .lnk file
b> to the start menu for the administrator account. It's easy to do for
b> All Users and Default User, but I need it for the administrator only.
b> Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance.

With best regards, KM. E-mail: (e-mail address removed)


I have, but the FBA creates "%24\Documents and
Settings\Administrator.COMPUTERNAME\Start Menu\...

I was hoping for a more generic solution - one that I don't have to
change when the computer name changes.

Mark K Vallevand

Isn't it %24% not %24 ?

Also, there is a custom resource for start menu shortcuts
in Component Designer. I think.

Mark K Vallevand


Sorry for the typo. Yes, it should be %24%.

I have not seen a resource shortcut to Administrator documents and settings
There is only a shortcut to "All Users" or current user.

Not sure if %53% can help to solve the problem. I have not tried that.

MK> Isn't it %24% not %24 ?

MK> Also, there is a custom resource for start menu shortcuts in
MK> Component Designer. I think.

MK> Regards.
MK> Mark K Vallevand
MK> in TD).

b>>>> Hello,

b>>>> I want to do something very simple, but I can't
MK> figure out how to do
b>>>> it. I want to add a shortcuts for a hyperterm
MK> session and a .lnk file
b>>>> to the start menu for the administrator account.
MK> It's easy to do for
b>>>> All Users and Default User, but I need it for the
MK> administrator only.
b>>>> Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance.
MK> (e-mail address removed)

With best regards, KM. E-mail: (e-mail address removed)

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