XPath help please

  • Thread starter Thread starter roidy
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Take the following xml file:-


Now in code I`m looping through 'Fruit' nodes:-

Dim xpathDoc = New XPathDocument("test.xml")
Dim xmlNav = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator()
Dim xmlNI = xmlNav.Select("/Data/Fruit")

While (xmlNI.MoveNext())

How to get the value of Name node?
How to get the value of Color node?
How to get the value of Value node?

End While

I`ve looked at quite a few examples and none explain how to get the value of
a child node of the current node. Help please.

Ok here`s what I`ve come up with:-

While (xmlNI.MoveNext())

If xmlNI.Current.MoveToChild("Name", "") Then
name = xmlNI.Current.Value
End If

If xmlNI.Current.MoveToChild("Color", "") Then
color= xmlNI.Current.Value
End If

If xmlNI.Current.MoveToChild("Value", "") Then
value= xmlNI.Current.Value
End If

End While

This works but is it the best way to do it?

roidy said:
Take the following xml file:-


Now in code I`m looping through 'Fruit' nodes:-

Dim xpathDoc = New XPathDocument("test.xml")
Dim xmlNav = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator()
Dim xmlNI = xmlNav.Select("/Data/Fruit")

While (xmlNI.MoveNext())

How to get the value of Name node?
How to get the value of Color node?
How to get the value of Value node?

End While

I`ve looked at quite a few examples and none explain how to get the
value of a child node of the current node. Help please.

As long as you know the child element exists it is easy e.g.

For Each fruit As XPathNavigator In
Dim name = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Name").Value
Dim color = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Color").Value
' use/output name/value here

In the case of the Value element you will then need to check e.g.

For Each fruit As XPathNavigator In
Dim name As String = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Name").Value
Dim color As String = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Color").Value

Dim valueEl As XPathNavigator = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Value")
If valueEl IsNot Nothing Then
Dim value As String = valueEl.Value
' handle case that no Value child element was found
End If
Thanks that`s what I was looking for, I just placed into a function because
not all of the child nodes may exist for each parent node:-

Function ReadChildNode(ByVal navigator As XPathNavigator, _
ByVal nodename As String) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim node = navigator.SelectSingleNode(nodename)

If node IsNot Nothing Then
Return node.Value
End If

Return result
End Function

For Each fruit As XPathNavigator In _
Dim name = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Name")
Dim color = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Color")
Dim value = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Value")

Now the function ReadChildNode takes care of weather the node exists or not.

Thanks again
And of course that should of been simplified to :-

Function ReadChildNode(ByVal navigator As XPathNavigator, _
ByVal nodename As String) As String
Dim node = navigator.SelectSingleNode(nodename)

If node IsNot Nothing Then
Return node.Value
End If

Return Nothing
End Function

roidy said:
Thanks that`s what I was looking for, I just placed into a function
because not all of the child nodes may exist for each parent node:-

Function ReadChildNode(ByVal navigator As XPathNavigator, _
ByVal nodename As String) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim node = navigator.SelectSingleNode(nodename)

If node IsNot Nothing Then
Return node.Value
End If

Return result
End Function

For Each fruit As XPathNavigator In _
Dim name = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Name")
Dim color = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Color")
Dim value = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Value")

Now the function ReadChildNode takes care of weather the node exists or

Thanks again
Thanks that`s what I was looking for, I just placed into a function because
not all of the child nodes may exist for each parent node:-

Function ReadChildNode(ByVal navigator As XPathNavigator, _
ByVal nodename As String) As String
Dim result As String = ""
Dim node = navigator.SelectSingleNode(nodename)

If node IsNot Nothing Then
Return node.Value
End If

Return result
End Function

For Each fruit As XPathNavigator In _
Dim name = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Name")
Dim color = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Color")
Dim value = ReadChildNode(fruit,"Value")

Now the function ReadChildNode takes care of weather the node exists or not.

Thanks again

Martin Honnen said:
As long as you know the child element exists it is easy e.g.

For Each fruit As XPathNavigator In
Dim name = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Name").Value
Dim color = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Color").Value
' use/output name/value here

In the case of the Value element you will then need to check e.g.

For Each fruit As XPathNavigator In
Dim name As String = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Name").Value
Dim color As String = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Color").Value

Dim valueEl As XPathNavigator = fruit.SelectSingleNode("Value")
If valueEl IsNot Nothing Then
Dim value As String = valueEl.Value
' handle case that no Value child element was found
End If

Have you considered Linq-to-XML?

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer On

Module Module1

Sub Main()

Dim data = <Data>

Dim fruits = From fruit In data.Descendants("Fruit") Select _
New With {.Name = fruit.Element("Name").Value, _
.Color = fruit.Element("Color").Value, _
.Value = If(fruit.Element("Value") IsNot Nothing, _
fruit.Element("Value").Value, "N/A")}

For Each fruit In fruits
Console.WriteLine("Name = {0}, Color = {1}, Value = {2}", _
fruit.Name, fruit.Color, fruit.Value)
End Sub

End Module

Just a thought :)
Thanks Tom is that quicker than XPath as the xml files I`m dealing with are
quite large, the fruit data was just a generic example to get my point
across. Also how would you load the xml from a file or from the web instead
of hard coding it into the program?
Thanks Tom is that quicker than XPath as the xml files I`m dealing with are
quite large, the fruit data was just a generic example to get my point
across. Also how would you load the xml from a file or from the web instead
of hard coding it into the program?

My experience with linq to xml is that it is quite fast, though I have not
done any formal benchmarking :) So, you might want to compare... Just so you
know , you can actually combine XPath with linq-to-xml, so it's not an either
or situation.

As for loading, I used a vb xml litteral for ease of example :) Look at the
XElement.Load method's overloads. From a local file:

Dim data As XElement = XElement.Load (path)

There are overloads that take XmlReader, TextReader, or String - so, you have
a few options there for reading from the web - something like the following

Dim wc As New System.Net.WebClient()
Dim data As XElement = XElement.Load (wc.DownloadString (url))

Anyway, just thought I might give you something else to look at.