you stated wanting to keep
the issue simple, and yet
someone suggested to
create a slipstream -
( tickled my funny bone )
my suggestion is to just install
your o.s. with the disks you have
and do not upgrade your version,
else your disk won't work to repair the
o.s. if and when the opportunity arises.
also, it is hoped that your disk is
ver sp2 and not sp1. therefore
avoid sp3 and blissfully utilize
your computer.
incidentally, if you re install your
o.s., you will need to be sure
you have backup'd your important
personal files.
also, have you considered repairing
your operating system with the disk,
instead of using the disk to wipe out
and reinstall the o.s. from scratch?
DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces