
Hello, My father recently upgraded his home PC to XP. The other day he
downloaded some virus protection software from the internet. He screwed up
the install somehow ( I wasn't there so I don't know what he did.). Now he
cannot use his system. It will boot to the login screen, but when he tries to
access any account it starts to finalize the load of this software and hangs
the whole system. I am not an XP user. Is there a "safe mode" that I can boot
his system to so I can remove this file?

Will Denny


Restart the system and then keep tapping the F8 key to access a screen that
has Safe Mode as one of the options. Then try and uninstall the software
from Safe Mode. Although if the install hasn't finished, you may not be
able to uninstall it. In that case try a System restore from Safe Mode back
to a point before the software was installed. Which particular AV program
was it?


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

Ted Zieglar

Sure. The first thing to try is the 'Last Known Good Configuration'.

"How to start your computer by using the Last Known Good Configuration
feature in Windows XP"

Once you're back at the desktop, download the program again. (It may not
have downloaded cleanly the first time.) Then, install the program again.
That usually fixes things. You may want to print the author's installation
instructions before you start.

However, the downloaded program may not be the problem. There may have been
a pre-existing problem that coincidentally acted up during the install. And
viruses and spyware are always a suspect.


Thanks for the help folks, I will give this a try as soon as I can get to my
fathers house. I do not know what AV he was trying to load. It is most likly
not the files problem. My dad has a bad habbit of trying to intrupt a load in
progress. He will decide it is taking to long or change his mind about doing
the load in the first place. So I will go see if I can fix his PC one more

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