i have a wireless network with 2 xp machines and a powerbook os x. it's set
up with a workgroup. all computers access each other fine, but i'd like the
xp machines to prompt for a username and password instead of just directly
opening shared folders. is this possible with a workgroup? the mac with os
x prompts for a password when accessing either xp machines, and i just use a
user account name and password, which is what i'd like for every comp. on
the network. any help? thanks.
up with a workgroup. all computers access each other fine, but i'd like the
xp machines to prompt for a username and password instead of just directly
opening shared folders. is this possible with a workgroup? the mac with os
x prompts for a password when accessing either xp machines, and i just use a
user account name and password, which is what i'd like for every comp. on
the network. any help? thanks.