XP won't install.


Rob Harris

Hello can someone please help.

i have the following

Amd thunderbird 850 mzh.
512 megs ram.
abit kt7l-v or something to that mother board with on board raid.
Nvidia G-force 2 mx 400 video card.
1 3com vortext card
1 dlink NE2k clone.
Sound blaster Ensonq soundcard.

I have tried to install XP some 12 times.
each time it hangs.
at the blue starting windows screen on the installer.
can someone please give me any hints as to why this happens?

Rob Harris


make sure your cdrom works just fine, arre you installing in dos or letting
the cdrom startup with it?

Rob Harris

I have Full version of XP pro and leting it boot off cd rom.

also i returned the upgrade of the home edition thinking it was a bad cd or

Rob Harris.

Michael Stevens

Rob said:
Hello can someone please help.

i have the following

Amd thunderbird 850 mzh.
512 megs ram.
abit kt7l-v or something to that mother board with on board raid.
Nvidia G-force 2 mx 400 video card.
1 3com vortext card
1 dlink NE2k clone.
Sound blaster Ensonq soundcard.

I have tried to install XP some 12 times.
each time it hangs.
at the blue starting windows screen on the installer.
can someone please give me any hints as to why this happens?

Rob Harris

Try removing all but the video, keyboard and mouse. If your ram is in
multiple modules, remove one and then try the setup again.
If you are successful, don't activate until you reinstall the additional
hardware. Install the hardware one at a time.
You boot from the CD and do a clean install.
Click on or copy and paste the link below into your web browser address bar.
How to clean install XP.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Rob Harris

Well its 3:01am us/est,

i tried a diffrent route i had a floppy boot disk for me.
ran that then headed into E:\i386\
ran winnt.exe it took a while for that to copy stuff over.
then i rebooted.
to you guessed it starting windows blue screen
for 25 minutes it sat thier.

iam waiting on abit to get back to me about my motherboard.
i wonder if the onboard raid has something to do with it.
in any case its late and iam off to sleep.

Rob Harris.


Try copying the Windows CD to a separate directory on your hard drive (don't
forget the CD files that aren't in a directory including setup) and install
from your hard drive.

I had a similar problem and this worked for me.


Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Have you made sure that your PC's hardware components are capable
of supporting WinXP? This information will be found at the PC's
manufacturer's web site, and on Microsoft's Windows Catalog:
(http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/hcl/default.mspx) Additionally, run
Microsoft WinXP Upgrade Advisor to see if you have any incompatible
hardware components or applications.

You should, before proceeding, take a few minutes to ensure that
there are WinXP device drivers available for all of the machine's
components. There may not be, if the PC was specifically designed for
Win98/Me. Also bear in mind that PCs designed for, sold and run fine
with Win9x/Me very often do not meet WinXP's much more stringent
hardware quality requirements. This is particularly true of many
models in Compaq's consumer-class Presario product line or HP's
consumer-class Pavilion product line. WinXP, like WinNT and Win2K
before it, is quite sensitive to borderline defective or substandard
hardware (particularly motherboards, RAM and hard drives) that will
still support Win9x.

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

Rob Harris

i can't see how someone with the same computer hardwarer as me can get XP
installed minus the 3com nic
witch i have also took out of the box.

i will give it a try this weekend one more time.
or start building another computer with is kinda sad.

this is what drives people to linux or freebsd.
heck what happens when longhorn is released.
yet again have to build a new computer to run that?
and i have ran the ran the system check and it came back as everything is
i would call microsoft on this but last i heard thay were chargeing 50.00
for tech support on installing thier product.

any case i will give it one more shot this weekend.

take care and thanks
Rob Harris.

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