XP Won't Finish Booting



Hi, I have a new install of Windows XP Home that will not startup. The
machine isn't new, it's about 3 years old. Been running Win2k Pro fine
for quite some time. Decided to wipe clean & install XP Home. Install
went fine, but after I go through the initial setup phases and reboot,
it won't start Windows. One of two things happens, either the blue
WELCOME screen comes on, or the blue "Windows is Starting Up" screen
comes up, but I can't get the Usernames to appear to where I can click
one to log on.

It's an Abit KT7A motherboard, AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1100 MHz, SiS
315 AGP video card, 512 MB RAM, Soundblaster live OEM sound card,
Maxtor 13 GB
hard drive, modem, DVD, CD Burner, etc etc.

Booted into safe mode, downloaded all critical patches and the lone
SIS Driver update. No luck. I know the best option is probably to
remove everything except the bare essentials, but that is such a pain
..... anyone have any other
ideas first?



Download hardware drivers frm the manuf.sites NOT winupdate
Ensure you have updates frm Abit site

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