XP will not BOOT without XP install disk!

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SYSTEM/PROBLEM: Dell (2001) Desktop dimension 8100. Registry crash. It was
somewhat recovered with a re-install of XP.

Now I can not boot computer without the XP upgrade disk in the CD drive...

at MS the procedures of "How to recover from a corrupted registry that
prevents Windows XP from starting- Article ID : 307545 READ in part:

"WARNING: Do not use the procedure that is described in this article if your
computer has an OEM-installed operating system. The system hive on OEM
installations creates passwords and user accounts that did not exist
previously. If you use the procedure that is described in this article, you
may not be able to log back into the recovery console to restore the original
registry hives."

I had already gone into the registry (step 1 of repair) and when proceeding
to step 2, I could not get into safe mode by pressing F8 on the reboot.

After trying to reboot into safe mode I could only reach the recovery
Console - it asked again for an adminstrative password and I did not have
one, therefore I was locked out. Hmmm...DELL must have an OEM-installed
operating system (called Windows ME) on my computer. This is only a wild
guess... what other reason would I be locked out? Sadly, my understanding
came after the fact...

Anyway, I have to leave in the XP CD in to boot to the desktop. Once it is
removed, the computer will not boot to Windows on its own. I just get a black
screen saying "press F1 to reboot or F2 for setup ultility." When I press F1
there is no response unless the XP upgrade CD is in the Cd drive).
When I put the XP upgrade CD in the Cd drive, a black screen automatically
reads: "Push any key to boot from CD..." It then asks for a password
(required at this last re-install) and the desktop then opens up.

I only had the option of re-installing the XP upgrade from scatch. After
re-installation, the original desktop returned and all of my files, outlook
express, virus protection, internet connection, etc. I only had to put in all
the MS XP critical security updates again.

At this point I cannot boot the computer to windows without the XP upgrade
disk in the CD Drive!

What do you suggest my next steps should be? How do I get XP to boot without
the use of the CD? I searched the MS knowledge base, but was not sure what
phrase/words to place in the search.

I did not continue with the steps of part 2-4 of Article ID : 307545. Will
this help with the booting of Windows or is there another can of worms i need
to munch on?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Did you check your BIOS to see the order for Boot Options. Sounds like
CDROM is first, and it cannot find a boot device on any other device.

If you can get into Recover Mode (if you never entered a password for
Administrative, try just hitting the Enter key, or try the word password).

Once in, try the fixboot command, or fixmbr command.