All Things Mopar said:
Today Vanguard commented courteously on the subject at hand
All good advice, but to do that now at age /14/ is hopeless.
Children establish their core beliefs and values, basic
opinions on life, politeness/rudeness, personality, attitude,
etc. very early in life. Many child psychologists say this
occurs as early as 7-8 and is firmly locked by 12. That is not
to say that kicking the kid's ass (and landing yourself in the
slammer!) can't change his "core beliefs and values") but if
he's a hacker now for fun or profit, the "real" punishment
isn't likely to last long. And, /NO/ PW nor /ANY/ super-duper
security utility will stop a teenager determined to put one
over on Daddy. Finally, Dad, should be on the lookout for
time-bombs planted on /his/ account that'll go off if Junior
is removed again.
And yet none of those 7-8 year olds know anything about the law. They
have to learn when they drive as to what are the laws. They have to
keep learning after that age since obviously no one is getting their
doctorate degree at that age. Learning doesn't stop at 7-8 years old.
Pain is an excellent motivator to train animals (which includes humans).
If the kid can't obey the rules then they don't get to use the computer
anymore, or they lose their allowance, or you add chores, or you give
them homework, or whatever. Being 14 years old doesn't preclude a
parent from punishing their kid. Pain motivates. For kids (any age),
complacency and acquiescence equate to permission.
If the parent cannot manage to control their kids, software certainly
isn't a substitute. Don't use software to overcome poor parenting. I
wasn't talking about morality. I was talking about training the kid to
follow rules since the kid will eventually become an adult (in age but
perhaps not in mentality) and have to obey even MORE rules. How old are
you now? Do you think your employer would give a gnat's fart about what
you have learned by the time you were 7-8 years old regarding you
complying with their company policies? You don't comply, you get fired.
You think the police officer cares about what you learned at 7-8 years
old when he is filling out your speeding ticket? You don't comply with
the speed law, you get ticketed and have to pay (the ticket and higher
insurance premiums). Pain motivates compliance!
If the kid can't comply with your rules regarding use of YOUR property,
they don't ever get to use it again. Parents can manage to lockup their
guns but they can't manage to lockup their computers? Yeah, right.
Also, don't put the computer in the kids room, don't let the kid wander
around with it, and don't leave it in your room or anywhere where they
will be out of sight. Put the computer in a publicly travelled room in
the house so there is no privacy of its use and have you do the login
(out of sight of the kid) and logoff for the kid to make them feel like
the peurile baby that they have exhibited so far in their lack of
control and respect. Sometimes all it takes is turning off the router
or cable modem since the kid probably wants Internet access more than
just using the computer (providing you don't permit any games to be
installed on it). The router or cable modem can go into a closet or
even into a lockbox. If you turn off the router or cable modem, the kid
probably won't want to use your computer. Some routers even let you
define a password that is required (using the web interface) to get
Internet access and that box can't be hacked or infected, like with a
keylogger. You could use removable drive bays where you install your
license of Windows that you use and then remove it and lock away and the
kid slides in their hard drive with whatever OS they want with whatever
programs they want (and maybe even deny buying them any OS or software
so they'll have to earn the money to buy what they can't steal).
However, although cheaper to get a good-quality drive bay and 2 hard
drives (one for you and one for the kid), maybe you should just get the
kid their own computer - but then configure the router so their host
cannot connect to any other host in your home network so all they get is
Internet connectivity. However, in the last case, you are actually
rewarding the kid for ****ing up your computer. Decide how you want to
train your adult-to-be kid. Training NEVER stops regardless of your
age. Pain motivates compliance.
Even at 80 years old, if you got zapped with a cattle prod whenever you
attempted to butt into line, it wouldn't take long for you to learn to
stop butting into line regardless of what you had learned way back up
until you were 7-8 years old.