Tree options to stop them from accessing your computer:
If you definitely wish to delete the accounts;
Start\Run\control userpasswords2\select user account\Remove.....
You might want to disable user accounts not delete them;
Start\Run\type lusrmgr.msc hit enter\users and groups\users\
double click user account\check on disabled account....
Or change their passwords and so deny them access to your computer;
Start\Run\control userpasswords2\select user account and
click on Restore Password.... If this is your option, save the new
passwords in a file for future access by you or anyone... You can also
change the account's name in Start\Run\control userpasswords2\
select account\Properties\change name.. This would make those user
accounts available to use at your convinience....
Hope this helps.
----------------------Original Message-----------
KC001 said:
How do I disable user accounts on XP Pro. I need to stop users from
accessing this computer. If I delete the account a new account is made when
they login. So what I am looking for is a way to stop them from accessing
this computer.