XP User account time out

  • Thread starter Thread starter David
  • Start date Start date


Hi, When I leave my XP laptop for any small amount of
time it makes me sign - in again with a password. The
longer I'm gone the longer it takes to come back up.
This is really annoying, how can I stop it or at least
lenthen the timeout period.

Does it locks the screen and asks you to supply passowrd to unlock it or it
simply logs you out? My guess is that what you are seeing is actually your
desktop getting locked when the screen saver kicks in. Its for your accounts
security. You may choose to increase the screen saver wait time by changing
the "screen saver" settings in desktop properties.
The short-term issue is probably a screen saver like Amit mentioned. The
issue after more time passes is your system is most likely going into
"sleep" (a.k.a. hybernate and standby) mode. While you're changing your
screen saver setting, click on the "Power" button on the same tab. Adjust
settings on the Power Schemes and Hibernate tabs.