XP Updates without interenet connection

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Sala
  • Start date Start date

Paul Sala

1. Is there a Microsoft program I can use to scan a XP computer that does
not have an internet connection to see what critical Windows updates it

2. Once I have the list of needed updates, I can install each one
individually as I have figured out how to download all available XP updates
on one CD, but that takes a lot of time. Is there a way to easily install
all needed updates.

Reason why: Many times I arrive at a users computer and it is so messed up
with viruses or ad-ware that they cannot connect or stay connected to the
internet to do a windows update. What I would like to do is arrive with a CD
or 2, run a scan to see what windows updates they need, then install them.

What is the best way to do this?

Paul said:
1. Is there a Microsoft program I can use to scan a XP computer
that does not have an internet connection to see what critical
Windows updates it needs?

Take a look at the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA):

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA):

The Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer allows administrators to scan local
and remote systems for missing security patches as well as common security
misconfigurations. More information on MBSA is available at:




Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) 1.2 Q&A

It has it own newsgroup as well:


In addition, if you are not able to connect to Microsoft over the
Internet when running MBSA, you need to download the latest
MSSecure_1033.CAB from another computer and place it in the
"Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer" folder before you run MBSA.
MSSecure_1033.CAB contains MSSECURE.XML that contains information
about all the security updates released by Microsoft. Then you
should not need any Internet connection while running MBSA.

Latest version of MSSecure_1033.CAB can always be downloaded
from here (it is regularly updated):