XP Update by dial-up



My laptop has been travelling for some time. Windows Automatic Updates often
start but then fail upon disconnection (usually by wireless adapter). Now I
am back on my home dial-up and have discovered that all the priority updates
required add up to 109 mbs, or, approximately 7 hours or more of download
time. This is unrealistic and costly (in subscription minutes). Many postings
on this site seem to question the benefit of having the XP2 download in the
first place, imply a degree of incompetence on the part of Microsoft and have
initiated "spirited" discussion.Is there a solution?


You may be able to buy an update CD from microsoft, hack your modem (not
recommended) or see if a freind and download an burn the updates for you.

I hack my schools proxy and download updates to a 2GB flash Drive.

If you need more help write to (e-mail address removed)
or search google.com


While I appreciate the advice on "hacking" my modem, I don't entirely
understand the concept of hacking, or know how to do it, particularly as it
applies to my own computer equipment. I would be grateful if you could expand
on this topic. As it happens, I did order a CD from Microsoft but it will
take a while to arrive, so alternate solutions are welcome. Thanks

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