XP Update 840937



In customizing my PC, I have modified ntoskrnl.exe to show a customized boot
screen image. Downloading the above mentioned update causes the file to
revert to the original configuration. Since the problem addressed by this
update doesn't seem too severe I have decided to remove it. My question is,
since this update replaced 811493 and 824141, do these two updates need to be
reinstalled? Thanks in advance for any clarification on how the update
replacement operation works, and answers specific to my question.

MowGreen [MVP]


What you've cited does not correlate to either
http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=811493 nor

Which update are you referring to ? Is it KB840987 ?
If so then KB811493 and KB824141 should be installed if you chose to
remove KB840987. Look in Add/Remove Programs to confirm that they
are installed. To confirm that the files of the system match the
files of the updates go to these 2 pages:

MS03-013: Buffer overrun in Windows kernel message handling could
lead to elevated privileges

FOR KB824141, click the Security Patch Information heading, compare
the files and confirm the reg entry that shows it as installed :

Buffer Overrun in the ListBox and in the ComboBox Control Could
Allow Code Execution (824141)

MowGreen [MVP]
*-343-* FDNY
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