Windows XP XP stop error

Jun 25, 2005
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I now get this stop message after XP Home loads up,

stop: 0x0000000A, (0x00000166, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x804e5433)

through my searches I have found this information
STOP: 0x0000000A (0xwwwwwwww, 0xxxxxxxxx, 0xyyyyyyyy, 0xzzzzzzzz)

0xwwwwwwww The address that was referenced improperly.
0xxxxxxxxx IRQL that was required to access the memory.
0xyyyyyyyy Type of access.
0xzzzzzzzz Address of instruction that attempted to access 0xwwwwwwww.

Problem is I dont know how to find what the numbers inside the parenthsis are pointing to. Can someone tell me specifically what the numbers are pointing to and what to remove or how to findout on my computer. Also I have about 2 mins after startup to work before I get the stop error and it wont let me boot into safe mode (F8 is not even a option) is there a way to boot to safe mode using a disk?
form the microsoft website it is one of the following

faulty device driver, firmware, or system service.
failing or defective device

open up device manager (right click my computer > properties > hardware tab > device manager), are there any devices with a yellow exclamation mark ?

waht is your system spec ?
You have some sort of hardware problem, most likely memory. Can you remove one stick at a time to see if one is faulty? Cleaning the contacts on the sticks with a pencil rubber is also worth a try and check they are seating correctly.
Have you recently installed new hardware? - this could be a cause.