Sometimes when I cold start or restart XP and it reaches the point
where the desk top is shown I see the mouse pointer rapidly flit all
over the screen, some times to the point where I can see a number of
pointers. I also see the drop down windows that appear when one right
clicks on the desk top, the Start button, the sys tray, etc. XP does
not function except that I can restart or shut down. Usually it then
boots OK though sometimes I have to restart a second time. This has
been going on for quite a while and it's getting worrysome. I was
using Microsoft Intellipoint but I uninstalled it. I also rolled back
the mouse driver. The mouse is a Microsoft IntelliMouse (wired). I
have scanned my drives with Norton AV, latest definitions. Because
this only happens during a cold start or restart while XP is loading
and the rodent is lying immobile on my desk I somehow can't imagine it
being a mouse mechanical/electronic. problem.
Any suggestions?
where the desk top is shown I see the mouse pointer rapidly flit all
over the screen, some times to the point where I can see a number of
pointers. I also see the drop down windows that appear when one right
clicks on the desk top, the Start button, the sys tray, etc. XP does
not function except that I can restart or shut down. Usually it then
boots OK though sometimes I have to restart a second time. This has
been going on for quite a while and it's getting worrysome. I was
using Microsoft Intellipoint but I uninstalled it. I also rolled back
the mouse driver. The mouse is a Microsoft IntelliMouse (wired). I
have scanned my drives with Norton AV, latest definitions. Because
this only happens during a cold start or restart while XP is loading
and the rodent is lying immobile on my desk I somehow can't imagine it
being a mouse mechanical/electronic. problem.
Any suggestions?