When I received an error 0x800A0046 - windows update
fails- I elicited support from Microsoft knowledge
database. Their one article yields:
"You may receive an error message when you search for
available updates on the Windows Update Web site
(883821) - Discusses why you recieve an error message
when you search for available updates on the Windows
Update Web site."
I tried all their solutions which failed.
On repeating "Method 2: Set the Security Descriptor" : it
only succeeded when I typed in their three line
descriptor using the Caps Lock key for the upper case
fails- I elicited support from Microsoft knowledge
database. Their one article yields:
"You may receive an error message when you search for
available updates on the Windows Update Web site
(883821) - Discusses why you recieve an error message
when you search for available updates on the Windows
Update Web site."
I tried all their solutions which failed.
On repeating "Method 2: Set the Security Descriptor" : it
only succeeded when I typed in their three line
descriptor using the Caps Lock key for the upper case