XP SP2 client on W2K domain problem

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I have a problem integrating a new XP SP2 client into an existing
windows network. This network consists of a W2K SP4 domain controller
and clients running XP SP1, W2K professional and W98SE.

If it makes a difference: the domain was origanally a WinNT4 domain
which was migrated to W2K some years ago.

Not all clients are domain members, some have just set up the same
user accounts (same name and same passwords) as the domain users and
are accessing the shares on the domain controller without problem.
BTW the domain controller works also as file- and printer
server. Now a try to integrate a new computer running XP SP2 and I
run into trouble.

First, TCP/IP runs fine. We have a setup of statically allocated IP
numbers, the new computer got a new number and on this part there is no
trouble. I can ping the other clients and the server, as well as the
other clients and the server can ping the new client (after i
deactivated the firewall) an i can use the IE to access the internet
via a proxy which is used by all members of our network.

Second, from my new computer I can see the network neigbourhood,
consisting of the domain controller and the other clients. If i try to
browse the shares of the domain controller or another XP or W2K
computer, i get an "access denied" error. If i try to browse the
shares of an W98SE client, all works well and i can access all data
which should be accessible.

From the domain controllers cannot see the new computer, but if i
enter the name of the new computer manually (net view \\<computername>)
i see the shares of the new client. I can enter the directories of my
new computer from W98SE clients, but not from the domain controller
and not from other W2K or XP SP clients.

Third, i cannot enter the domain, i always get the error message
"network path not found".

Fourth, if i try to use the shares on the server directly without
entering the domain with the command
"net use z: \\<computername>\<share name>",
i get "system error 53".

If i try to use the shares with
"net use z: \\<ip-number-of-the-server>\<share name>"
finally i *can* use the share.
But this is quite unsatisfactory, as i always get a warning if i start
an executable from this drive z: (the os seems to think this is a
direct internet connection). I also miss the possibility to browse
the shares on the server directly and i think, i shoult better add the new
computer to the domain.

Can anybody help me?
