Hello: I have windows XP, just purchased the computer less than a year ago
and I am having problems. my computer shuts down for no reason then restarts
itself, I tried running my antivirus but it freezes 3/4 the way through. I
have my disk to install Windows XP home addition which this is and my
motherboard disk and a few others If I reformat my puter from scratch would
that help and? I tried reduingcomputer but i get a fresh xp version but alot
of files have been transfered over from before i would like to restart fresh
if that is possible how do i go about doing that as i dont mind losing all i
have on puter if this will help. Thank you for your time and patience.
Email me also if you can at (e-mail address removed)
and I am having problems. my computer shuts down for no reason then restarts
itself, I tried running my antivirus but it freezes 3/4 the way through. I
have my disk to install Windows XP home addition which this is and my
motherboard disk and a few others If I reformat my puter from scratch would
that help and? I tried reduingcomputer but i get a fresh xp version but alot
of files have been transfered over from before i would like to restart fresh
if that is possible how do i go about doing that as i dont mind losing all i
have on puter if this will help. Thank you for your time and patience.
Email me also if you can at (e-mail address removed)