XP Shuting down

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Started getting the blue screen saying "a problem has been detected & Windows
has been shutdown to prevent damage" "Worker_Thread_Returned_At_Bad_ IROL"
The message goes on to say disable Bios memory options such as caching or
shadowing etc. etc. I don't have a clue about disabling this stuff and the
only new software I've downloaded lately is Firefox browser and some Windows
security updates and no new hardware. Any advise?
Have you updated any drivers lately?
There are a number of threads on MSDN most point to a bad driver
No new anythng including drivers-think maybe I should reinstall the drivers
that came with the computer? Just spent the last 2 hours cleaning out the
inside, dusty but not terrible.
No new drivers but, I did just spend the last 2 hours dusting and cleaning
the inside and fans.
In that "Search Microsoft.com for: " search box on the right-hand side,
directly under the "Sign Out" button, enter the following (without the quote
marks)"Worker_Thread_Returned_At_Bad_IRQL" and click on the Go button.

You will find numerous articles, references, etc to this message. One of
those just might be applicable to your situation.

Now a practical suggestion, since you mentioned blowing the dust out of the
Open the computer up once again and
carefully blow out the rest of the dust.
Remove the cards plugged into the motherboard.
Blow the dust off of them.
Blow the dust out of the connectors.
Using the soft eraser on the end of a pencil, "erase" the oxide covering
from the card contacts. (Be careful to remove all eraser particles from the
card after this cleaning operation.)
Reinsert the cards back into the slots where they were. Do not swap slots.
While you're cleaning, make sure that power supply fan is dust-free.

If in your dust-blowing you moved/removed the CPU chip, then be sure to
reapply a clean layer of heat paste. Be sure that CPU fan is running.

why all of this? Most likely your problem is driver-related but really
perpetrated by a hardware-related problem.

good luck,