XP setup error ??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
  • Start date Start date


I'm using XP Pro (clean install) on a P4. When I recently
tried to run internet backgammon I got an error message:

"Backgammon in unable to start. Close some other programs
and try again, or try reinstalling Backgammon using
Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel."

So I went to Control Panel using my account (with admin
rights) and clicked on Add/remove Windows Compenents which
caused this errr messahe to pop up:

Windows XP Setup
"The program cannot start, probably because your user
account does not have permisson to modify the registry."

I vefired that this account does have admin rights. I
also tried this using the admin account itself.

I have also closed all window applications and tried this

There are no viruses on the pc (Norton and Trend both are
negative). The computer has all Windows critical
upgrades. Norton Win Dr says all is well.

My guess is that something has been corrupted in the

Can anyone tell me where I should look for this ans what I

Not being able to run Backgammon is not the end of the
world at all but it makes me very nervous to think of what
else might not work some day soon.

For mpw, the only 2 things that won't work are Backgammon
and Internet Reversi. The other games work fine and
everything else on the computer seems to be OK.

Sorry for the long winded post. (Someone once told me
that I could talk a cat off a fish wagon.)

Thank you for your assistance.


You can check if the registry access has been disabled by downloading Dougs
Security Console from:


If you load that up and click on the "System Security" option, on the right
hand side will be an option called "Disable Regedit", this will be checked
if someone has disabled editing the registry.

To switch it off, you can uncheck the box and click apply.

This is not what concerns me though, if you are the Administrator of the
computer and have not set this yourself, someone may have done this for you.

Check the above option first, and then well see if we can figure out whats


Mike Bright MCP, MSP

e:[email protected]

Thanks for the info. I downloaded Doug's tool and the
Disable Regedit was not checked. I also verified that I
could run regedit from the run command prompt.

I also followed the advice on his site and ran the repair
XP function from my original CD. That did not make any

So far this issue only seems to effect backgammon and
reversi - again not a big issue but I am worried about
what may also be going on that may corrupt.

I also set up another account with admin privileges and
that had the same problem.

Odd. Any thoughts?

Log in under the administrator account instead of someone
that has admin rights. (there is a difference) then try
to fix it.
I also tried that and it did not work.

-----Original Message-----
Log in under the administrator account instead of someone
that has admin rights. (there is a difference) then try
to fix it.
