Hi, I will explain my problem as best I can.
I have an 80 g Western Digital hard drive 7200 rpm. I had WinXP
installed on a 30 gig partition -C: and installed server 2003 on F:, the 50 g
partition. I also had a Maxtor 200 g hard drive installed used mainly for
storage and as a back up of C:.
I decided to get rid of server by wiping the partition clean. It first
showed it as being gone but when I went to reboot, it was still giving me the
option to boot from server. Finally I decided to wipe out all partitions, do
a clean install on all drives.
My problem now is that my WD still shows two fixed disks, one 30 one 50.
I have tried maxblast 4 , wipeout, fdisk, xp install, "which none will
recognize as being on same drive". Fdisk separates WD into two fixed disks,
xp won't recognize the 50 g portion at all. I unhooked the Maxtor all
together just for the sake of it.
I can't for the life of me, merge or delete the fixed disks so I get my
full 80 g back. I am very frustrated with this as I have never had this
problem deleting this before. I know it was server that locked or caused this
but what to do about it? When I try to make the fixed disk drive 2 , the 50
g, active, fdisk stays at 0% and won't do a verify or anything. It will on
fixed disk drive 1 but not 2 which server was installed on. Any help would be
appreciated greatly.
Thank you.
Extra info...
I have an Emachines-W2785 - 1.73ghz AMD , 512 ram, HAD xppro.
I have an 80 g Western Digital hard drive 7200 rpm. I had WinXP
installed on a 30 gig partition -C: and installed server 2003 on F:, the 50 g
partition. I also had a Maxtor 200 g hard drive installed used mainly for
storage and as a back up of C:.
I decided to get rid of server by wiping the partition clean. It first
showed it as being gone but when I went to reboot, it was still giving me the
option to boot from server. Finally I decided to wipe out all partitions, do
a clean install on all drives.
My problem now is that my WD still shows two fixed disks, one 30 one 50.
I have tried maxblast 4 , wipeout, fdisk, xp install, "which none will
recognize as being on same drive". Fdisk separates WD into two fixed disks,
xp won't recognize the 50 g portion at all. I unhooked the Maxtor all
together just for the sake of it.
I can't for the life of me, merge or delete the fixed disks so I get my
full 80 g back. I am very frustrated with this as I have never had this
problem deleting this before. I know it was server that locked or caused this
but what to do about it? When I try to make the fixed disk drive 2 , the 50
g, active, fdisk stays at 0% and won't do a verify or anything. It will on
fixed disk drive 1 but not 2 which server was installed on. Any help would be
appreciated greatly.
Thank you.
Extra info...
I have an Emachines-W2785 - 1.73ghz AMD , 512 ram, HAD xppro.