I support what "thanatoid" advises in his response, however, there are some things
you can do to curb XP from getting "tied up" in operations involving searches.
Attempt to re-arrange files and folders into a more logical and easy to understand
structure - deleting, where possible, any older, redundant and outdated files.
Perform a defragmentation on all hard-drives - and repeat regularly.
And another thing that may well have a bearing on your issue - could have been caused
by the resident portion of either an anti-virus or anti-malware program.
Next time you do a search, while it is in progress, open Task Manager and see what
other programs start to eat up memory as the search progresses.
If, as in the case of Windows Defender on my system, you see another program getting
carried away with itself, then this could well account for a "freeze" or lock-up if
you try to abort the procedure.
If this is what is happening on your system, you should temporarily deactivate these
programs for the time it takes to complete any search operations...
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.