XP search not working.



My XP Search is not working when I try to search a file containing text.
Does anyone know how to fix this?


I don't beleive XP's search function will search withing documents. It will
only search files names/types/dates created/etc.

If you want to search within documents, you'll need to download the MSN
Desktop search utility or Google's Desktop search utility. I think Yahoo has
one as well. These programs index all documents as well as their contents so
you can search.

Wesley Vogel

I don't beleive XP's search function will search withing documents. It
will only search files names/types/dates created/etc.

Yes, it will.

There is a "Containing text" search box that says "Type words contained in
the file". Amazing as that might seem, that's where you type in the words
for a text search, to be searched inside of files.

[[You can find a file based on when you last worked on it or search for
files containing specific text.]]
Search Companion overview

I use this feature occasionally and you do not have download anything.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Bonafyde said:
My XP Search is not working when I try to search a file containing text.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

What is the extension of the files you are searching? XP's search
function only searches in certain specified file types. Additional ones
can be added. See this KB article:

Using the "A word or phrase in the file" search criterion may not work

Another option is to use the free search utility Agent Ransack which
works well: http://www.mythicsoft.com/agentransack/default.aspx


Using the "A word or phrase in the file" search criterion may not work

Network administrators can configure this setting for the current user
by modifying the registry. To do this, set the
FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions DWORD value to 1 in the following
registry key:


see also:-


S.Sengupta said:
'Why doesn't Search work?'

My XP Search is not working when I try to search a file containing
text. Does anyone know how to fix this?


I stand corrected. Learned something new. Thanks!

Wesley Vogel said:
I don't beleive XP's search function will search withing documents. It
will only search files names/types/dates created/etc.

Yes, it will.

There is a "Containing text" search box that says "Type words contained in
the file". Amazing as that might seem, that's where you type in the words
for a text search, to be searched inside of files.

[[You can find a file based on when you last worked on it or search for
files containing specific text.]]
Search Companion overview

I use this feature occasionally and you do not have download anything.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Wesley Vogel

If none of us learned something new it'd be pretty boring. ;-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Techdango said:
I stand corrected. Learned something new. Thanks!

Wesley Vogel said:
I don't beleive XP's search function will search withing documents. It
will only search files names/types/dates created/etc.

Yes, it will.

There is a "Containing text" search box that says "Type words contained
in the file". Amazing as that might seem, that's where you type in the
words for a text search, to be searched inside of files.

[[You can find a file based on when you last worked on it or search for
files containing specific text.]]
Search Companion overview

I use this feature occasionally and you do not have download anything.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Techdango said:
I don't beleive XP's search function will search withing documents. It
will only search files names/types/dates created/etc.

If you want to search within documents, you'll need to download the MSN
Desktop search utility or Google's Desktop search utility. I think
Yahoo has one as well. These programs index all documents as well as
their contents so you can search.


My XP Search is not working when I try to search a file containing
text. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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