Mike Bright MSP
Norton tend's to run in a System context anyway, so when
you are running the scan's it will scan everything. It
will probably only start to stop functioning correctly if
you turn on the NTFS security features, which I doubt you
will have.
The second point is, that if you want to log on as
Administrator (the password you will have choosen during
setup , i.e. the upgrade) when you get to the friendly
logon screen (i.e. the one with the pictures)
Press Control + Alt + Del twice
This will take you to the old fashioned logon dialog, at
which point you put "Administrator" in as the user and
then the password you choose.
Hope this helps
Mike Bright MCP, MSP
e:[email protected]
Norton tend's to run in a System context anyway, so when
you are running the scan's it will scan everything. It
will probably only start to stop functioning correctly if
you turn on the NTFS security features, which I doubt you
will have.
The second point is, that if you want to log on as
Administrator (the password you will have choosen during
setup , i.e. the upgrade) when you get to the friendly
logon screen (i.e. the one with the pictures)
Press Control + Alt + Del twice
This will take you to the old fashioned logon dialog, at
which point you put "Administrator" in as the user and
then the password you choose.
Hope this helps
Mike Bright MCP, MSP
e:[email protected]