jenn said:
Just installed XP from 98 and now my cd burner (e drive)
is gone. Any idea how to re-install it?
try this:
1. Log on with Administrative Privileges
2. Open the Registry Editor:
a) Go to Start then select Run.
b) Type regedit and click OK.
3. Backup you registry by:
a) Highlight My Computer by clicking on it once.
b) Click File (Windows XP) or Registry (Windows 2000), then Export
Registry File.
c) Select export range All; to ensure your entire registry is backed up
d) Select where you would like to save this backup, name the File, and
Click on the SAVE button.
4. Remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values:
a) Go to
b) Highlight this key by left clicking on it once.
c) On the right hand side delete the values Upperfilters and
5. Restart your computer.
You might ALSO/INSTEAD go to:
Select 'Windows Utilities' and scroll down to 'Restore CD/DVD drives to
Windows Explorer.'
Perhaps his utility will do the trick. =)