Ok, here's what you do, I know exactly what you want cause
I've done it. you buy a second NIC card for the pc, run
the cable modem to the one and another netcable to a hub,
hubs are cheaper than routers. make sure you use port 2 on
the hub not 1 and then run off from port 3 4 and 5 and
even 6 to the comps on the smally network, go into the XP
box (turn it on) and enable connection sharing on the one
that gets the internet directly, and also enable a
firewall on it. and share your printer and your documents
and set sharing on the other comps so you can see them and
bang you're done
I've done it. you buy a second NIC card for the pc, run
the cable modem to the one and another netcable to a hub,
hubs are cheaper than routers. make sure you use port 2 on
the hub not 1 and then run off from port 3 4 and 5 and
even 6 to the comps on the smally network, go into the XP
box (turn it on) and enable connection sharing on the one
that gets the internet directly, and also enable a
firewall on it. and share your printer and your documents
and set sharing on the other comps so you can see them and
bang you're done