xp prof user profile size?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beemer
  • Start date Start date


I am a single user of a computer running XP prof. I have an
"Administrator" profile (me) size is 780MB

and a
"Beemer" (administrator) profile (also me) size is 256kB

Why would a profile be as large as 780MB?

I am a single user of a computer running XP prof. I have an
"Administrator" profile (me) size is 780MB

and a
"Beemer" (administrator) profile (also me) size is 256kB

Why would a profile be as large as 780MB?


What kind of things are stored in the larger profile? By default, there is
My Documents for that profile, email message stores, desktop items, various
"appdata" collections for installed programs, etc. Some of these things can
be redirected to other locations: My Documents, My Pictures, email message
stores for Outlook and Outlook Express.

I redirect a lot of these things and still have a profile that is over 1GB.
This is a 3 year old installation and there is quite a large collection of
data and program settings maintained in the account's folders.

256kb is quite small for an active account. An account on my system that is
rarely used shows about 3MB of data in Properties for the account's main

To check what profile you're using while logged on, click Start> Run and
type in %userprofile%. Windows Explorer will appear showing the account's

Sorry I stated the admin size was 780MB when I should have said 780MB
for Beemer. So such a large profile is not a problem. It is mainly "my
documents". However perhaps you would answer this further related
question. If say there were three new user profiles would they all have
access to My documents (meaning Beemer My Documents) even if I had not
set it to share and would this mean each would bloat the total profile
at least 300% ?

Beemer said:
Sorry I stated the admin size was 780MB when I should have said 780MB
for Beemer. So such a large profile is not a problem. It is mainly
"my documents". However perhaps you would answer this further related
question. If say there were three new user profiles would they all
have access to My documents (meaning Beemer My Documents) even if I
had not set it to share and would this mean each would bloat the
total profile at least 300% ?

Unless they put more stuff in the My Documents folder themselves..

A true "profile" - at least the part that matters in profile terms - rarely
gets above a few MBs to perhaps a dozen MBs - although that would be a huge
NTUSEER.DAT file and likely many of the files inside the Application Data
and Local Settings folders could be deleted.

Unless you are using roaming profiles - do not be concerned with how large
your "profile" gets. heh