xp pro will not start corrupt file



Hi ,
XP Pro will not start. I get the message telling me that the system file may
be corrupt or missing. Is there anyway that I can replace it quickly?
I have tried using the recovery console but when I type copy
c:\windows\system32....... etc I keep getting the messgae that the file can
not be found or if I change the windows to winnt then the message says that
the file can not be copied. I am stuck

Carey Frisch [MVP]

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| Hi ,
| XP Pro will not start. I get the message telling me that the system file may
| be corrupt or missing. Is there anyway that I can replace it quickly?
| I have tried using the recovery console but when I type copy
| c:\windows\system32....... etc I keep getting the messgae that the file can
| not be found or if I change the windows to winnt then the message says that
| the file can not be copied. I am stuck
| Cheers
| Lenny

John Wunderlich

Hi ,
XP Pro will not start. I get the message telling me that the
system file may be corrupt or missing. Is there anyway that I can
replace it quickly? I have tried using the recovery console but
when I type copy c:\windows\system32....... etc I keep getting the
messgae that the file can not be found or if I change the windows
to winnt then the message says that the file can not be copied. I
am stuck Cheers

You might try the following link:
"How to recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from



thanks for the advise but I have tried those. When I went to repair the
option wasn't available so from past experience instead of trying for a
couple of days to work it out I have just used Bart to save my important
files and formated the drive and started again. 1 hour later the computer is
now going better than ever.

Bruce Chambers

lenny said:
Hi ,
XP Pro will not start. I get the message telling me that the system file may
be corrupt or missing. Is there anyway that I can replace it quickly?
I have tried using the recovery console but when I type copy
c:\windows\system32....... etc I keep getting the messgae that the file can
not be found or if I change the windows to winnt then the message says that
the file can not be copied. I am stuck

How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry that Prevents Windows XP from

Once you've recovered, you might want to look here, as well:

How to Troubleshoot Registry Corruption Issues


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
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Steve N.

lenny said:
Hi ,
XP Pro will not start. I get the message telling me that the system file may
be corrupt or missing. Is there anyway that I can replace it quickly?
I have tried using the recovery console but when I type copy
c:\windows\system32....... etc I keep getting the messgae that the file can
not be found or if I change the windows to winnt then the message says that
the file can not be copied. I am stuck

I have seen this sort of error corrected by running fixboot from the
Recovery Console.

Steve N.

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