Posted in XP General but recommended I post in Hardware so here goes.
Dell Dimension PC w/Win XP Pro - Started getting msg bout hard disk
Failure on startup. Ran diagnostics and rec'd error code indicating drive
was failing.
Purchased and installed new WD Cav Blue drive. Drive has Zip Drive on same
cable. Tried all kinds of combos. Removed zip, reset jumpers and still XP
will not load. Initial blue screen comes up indicating set up is checking
configuration then screen goes black and that's it.
Thought it mite be cause new drive not partitioned so put drive in another
PC w/same XP O/S cd and it installed and loaded w/o problem. Then put in
original PC and no can read error comes up.
Have talked w/WDC T/S and they say it not drive and I agree. I've changed
cables tween HD and MB with no diff results.
Two or three hairs short of hairless. Any help will be greatly
Dell Dimension PC w/Win XP Pro - Started getting msg bout hard disk
Failure on startup. Ran diagnostics and rec'd error code indicating drive
was failing.
Purchased and installed new WD Cav Blue drive. Drive has Zip Drive on same
cable. Tried all kinds of combos. Removed zip, reset jumpers and still XP
will not load. Initial blue screen comes up indicating set up is checking
configuration then screen goes black and that's it.
Thought it mite be cause new drive not partitioned so put drive in another
PC w/same XP O/S cd and it installed and loaded w/o problem. Then put in
original PC and no can read error comes up.
Have talked w/WDC T/S and they say it not drive and I agree. I've changed
cables tween HD and MB with no diff results.
Two or three hairs short of hairless. Any help will be greatly