XP Pro User/Group problems...

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I have set up a "kids" and "guest" in the user group and cannot play some
games while logged into their user group. Everytime I put in the cd's it
prompts my administrator logon and to install the game each time. I have
tried many different installations even installing into a shared folder, but
each time the same thing happens.
Any help appreciated
george wrote on 22-Aug-2004 8:45 AM:
I have set up a "kids" and "guest" in the user group and cannot play some
games while logged into their user group. Everytime I put in the cd's it
prompts my administrator logon and to install the game each time. I have
tried many different installations even installing into a shared folder, but
each time the same thing happens.
Any help appreciated

One common technique that often works for CD games is to switch the kids
account to an admin account, run the game, and then switch back to the
limited account setting. If that doesn't work, there are other tricks I
can suggest, if you post back.
Thanks for the reply,
I would appreciate some more info or "other tricks" since I would like to
keep their account as limited if possible
george wrote on 22-Aug-2004 7:33 PM:
Thanks for the reply,
I would appreciate some more info or "other tricks" since I would like to
keep their account as limited if possible

Here is my standard advice:

If your game or application works with admin accounts, but not with
limited accounts, you can fix it to allow limited users to access the
program files folder with "change" capability rather than "read" which
is the default.

C:\>cacls "Program Files\appfolder" /e /t /p "users:c"

where "appfolder" is the folder where the application is installed.

If you wish to undo these changes, then run

C:\>cacls "Program Files\appfolder" /e /t /p "users:r"

If you still have a problem with running the program or saving settings
on limited accounts, you may need to change permissions on the registry
keys. Run regedit.exe and go to HKLM\Software\vendor\app, where
"vendor\app" is the key that the software vendor used for your specific
program. Change the permissions on this key to allow Users full control.
george wrote on 24-Aug-2004 7:23 AM:
Hi, I tried to run this from the start menu run command and from a command
prompt, replacing "Program Files\appfolder" with the app folder inside the ""
marks. It isn't recognized as a command or batch file and doesn't do
Can you better describe how to get this to work?


You have to use the double quote marks when the path has spaces in it.
Otherwise you don't need the double quotes. Only you know the name of
the application folder, but it could be something like "Program
Files\Doom". Be sure to use a backslash, not forward slash.