Yesterday I installed a new retail version of XP Pro SP2.
I opted for an Upgrade over XP Home.
I got past the enter Product Key - the system then restarted.
When the PC re booted a long white/black bar | | | | | (on a black screen)
was on the bottom of the screen. The bar increased to the end.
Then the upgrade stopped with this error;
i8042prt.sys is corrupt - SET UP FAILED.
Googled the error which relates to 'keyboard'
I have two kyeboards (both PS/2) a 4 year old, and a new
Microsoft one - I tried them both.
Does anyone know if the error comes from XP Pro or XP Home?
I have no idea what to do now.
Is it possible to repair/update this .sys file.
Thank you.
P.S. I have posted this before but I think my Title put people off.
i.e. I didn't get any help - not even one suggestion.
Yesterday I installed a new retail version of XP Pro SP2.
I opted for an Upgrade over XP Home.
I got past the enter Product Key - the system then restarted.
When the PC re booted a long white/black bar | | | | | (on a black screen)
was on the bottom of the screen. The bar increased to the end.
Then the upgrade stopped with this error;
i8042prt.sys is corrupt - SET UP FAILED.
Googled the error which relates to 'keyboard'
I have two kyeboards (both PS/2) a 4 year old, and a new
Microsoft one - I tried them both.
Does anyone know if the error comes from XP Pro or XP Home?
I have no idea what to do now.
Is it possible to repair/update this .sys file.
Thank you.
P.S. I have posted this before but I think my Title put people off.
i.e. I didn't get any help - not even one suggestion.