XP-PRO to XP-HOME Sharing.



Hello, Hope somebody can help.
I have two pc's one with Pro andone Home, I've used the
network connections wizard to enable files charing betwen
the two, both are in the same workgroup, i can 'browse' to
both pc's on both, however I can only access the home pc
not the pro.ie from the pro pc I can access the home pc
files but not the other way around.When I try i get an
error msg which ends:

The remote user logon account needs to be in a group
granted network logon privledges (on the XP box)

I've tried adding privledges on the xp pro pc using
gpedit.msc however here I get a msg ;

Failed to save local policy database.

I've disabled all firewalls, enabled simple file sharing,
created a new share on the rot drive, to everyone
group,enabled netbios over tcip.
I still cant access the pc pro's files from the laptop.
Please help if you can I've spent days trying to resolve



Hans-Georg Michna

Robbie said:
Failed to save local policy database.


something is very wrong here, and I don't have any concrete
solution. But I suspect that this problem causes the other
problems or has a common cause.

Have you ever changed any access rights in the Windows folder or
for the root?



Thanks for replying.
I've not changed anything on default share on the root,
(as far as I can remember),although I may have done. I
have always tried to limit my shares to creating a new
share on the root.
Reading other posts other people have had similar
problems, and the only person that has bothered to post
that they found a solution was somebody that says that
they unistalled the firewall software on the XP Pro Pc.I
havent tried this, although I will when I get home.

However I dont hold out much hope so ANY suggestion is
very welcome indeed.


Hans-Georg Michna

Robbie said:
Thanks for replying.
I've not changed anything on default share on the root,
(as far as I can remember),although I may have done. I
have always tried to limit my shares to creating a new
share on the root.
Reading other posts other people have had similar
problems, and the only person that has bothered to post
that they found a solution was somebody that says that
they unistalled the firewall software on the XP Pro Pc.I
havent tried this, although I will when I get home.

However I dont hold out much hope so ANY suggestion is
very welcome indeed.


please have a look at http://www.michna.com/kb/WxNetwork.htm.
Uninstalling third party firewall software is one point
mentioned in there.


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