XP Pro SP2 and HP Laser Printer 1440



Hi, i have XP Pro SP2 installed in my computer and i'm using HP Laser 1440
printer, It was working fine couple months ago, but now form last three
weeks, when i turn my printer on my internet connection STOP RESPONDING, it
won't disconnect but at my task bar only one screen of my network
connectivity stays on, i mean those two blue screen symbol of Local Area
connection at my task bar. I cant go online untill i turn my printer off and
after that both blue screens start blinking again and internet starts
working fine again. I reinstalled XP Pro but still same thing.
Another thing i noticed when i turn my printer on my light of room goes
frequently little dim and then back to normal.


This is what said:
Hi, i have XP Pro SP2 installed in my computer and i'm using HP Laser 1440
printer, It was working fine couple months ago, but now form last three
weeks, when i turn my printer on my internet connection STOP RESPONDING, it
won't disconnect but at my task bar only one screen of my network
connectivity stays on, i mean those two blue screen symbol of Local Area
connection at my task bar. I cant go online untill i turn my printer off and
after that both blue screens start blinking again and internet starts
working fine again. I reinstalled XP Pro but still same thing.
Another thing i noticed when i turn my printer on my light of room goes
frequently little dim and then back to normal.

Hi Jatinder,

Is there a "share" for this printer turned on? Go to printer settings
and see if there is a share on it. If so.... Remove the printer
share. Hope that helps...



(Hoping to be voted MS-MVP)


Trevor said:
Hi Jatinder,

Is there a "share" for this printer turned on? Go to printer settings
and see if there is a share on it. If so.... Remove the printer
share. Hope that helps...



(Hoping to be voted MS-MVP)
It was shared then i removed sharing but still same problem. I think it has
to do some thing with power, when i turn my printer on first thing happens is
my room light goes dim and then my internet connection stop responding, only
one blue screen stays on other one off of my Local area connection icon at my
task bar.
As soon as i turn my printer off my room light goes back to normal and both
blue screens of Local area connection icon at my task bar turns on and my
internet connection starts working normal again.

Anando [MS-MVP]

Another thing i noticed when i turn my printer on my light of room goes
This might sound a bit far-fetched, but are the printer, modem/router,
computer, monitor etc plugged in to the same wall electrical outlet ? If so,
it might be possible that when you switch the printer on, the electrical
wall outlet might be getting overloaded which prevents the internet modem to
not function properly. Plug the printer in a different wall outlet and try

Microsoft MVP- Windows Shell/User
Microsoft Certified Professional

Folder customizations


Anando said:
This might sound a bit far-fetched, but are the printer, modem/router,
computer, monitor etc plugged in to the same wall electrical outlet ? If so,
it might be possible that when you switch the printer on, the electrical
wall outlet might be getting overloaded which prevents the internet modem to
not function properly. Plug the printer in a different wall outlet and try

Microsoft MVP- Windows Shell/User
Microsoft Certified Professional

Folder customizations

I did try to plug into different wall out let but still same problem,


Jatinder said:

Use a long extension cord and plug the printer into a wall outlet in a
different room. Try every room in your house.

All the electrical outlets in the same room are (usually) on the same

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