My computer has had a problem with freezing for a long period of time without reason and reebooting.
the computer's error logs are clean, the security logs are clean and it has no viruses.
I recently recovered the o/s hopeing that it would help it did not. i've had professionals look it over with no prevail.
it freezes 2 times before the system becomes stable enough to use...
plus while it freezes a very loud and annoying noise is emmitted from my speakers.
Thank you
the computer's error logs are clean, the security logs are clean and it has no viruses.
I recently recovered the o/s hopeing that it would help it did not. i've had professionals look it over with no prevail.
it freezes 2 times before the system becomes stable enough to use...
plus while it freezes a very loud and annoying noise is emmitted from my speakers.
Thank you