Assembled my first computer and installed XP Pro from OEM CD. Registered XP Pro online and updated system and installed service pack 1. Made many mistakes with install of software for Sound, Video, Dvd-burner (but I did learn from my mistakes and having fun). I would like to start over. I read other postings, went to many sites listed to answer similar question. Still, I am confused about implementing what I read. First, if I boot from XP CD and touch no keys will I come to a format screen or do I have to press an F# key? If yes which key? Second, when given format options can you be specfic-(prior postings mentioned partions)- what will it say and what do I pick. Third, my hard drive should now be formated-does that mean completely blank and I can press F6 during install to load Intel Raid drive before XP Installs like I first did, or will process be different because some operating files not removed during format? Fourth, I have OEM CD and label with key, do I use same key? Finally, when asked to register and activate will there be any problems or just go ahead and activate as before online. Sorry for these multiple questions and thanks for your recent help, it is appreciated!!!