XP Pro problems installing software etc



A while back I started having problems with Windows media player and a few
other programs when you tried to access them from different users on the
computer. I believe that some sort of registry tool removed or changed some
info in the registry. The latest problem is when I try to install Explorer 7,
it wont complete the install. I have tryed the methods on the help page.
Basicly what I want to know is if I do a reinstall and update with my
original XP Pro disk will it overwrite the existing registry and make life
simpler for me. I have tried many things to try a get WMPlayer to work on all
users as well as changed many suggested lines in the registry, no avail. What
grief will reinstalling XP Pro give me? I did put a different HD in the same
computer and everthing installs and works. It was a 20gig clean install, I
want to use the 80gig that I have now but it has so many problems. Again,
will a reinstall help me on and will it overrite the existing registry on the
drive without formatting it first? Help please


I neglected to state that had been done numerous times when I was triing to
upgrade WMP because it would not work. I did do a reinstall and now I cannot
get SP1a or SP2 to install - ACCESS DENIED

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