xp pro newbie question[s]

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q1...get msg to remove and close programs before install. on xp taskmanager
the application tab has nothing[just booted up]. the process tab has 30
plus listings. how do you know which to disable as some look critical. in
win98 the taskmgr only showed certain programs and all could be taken out
except explorer.

q2..when hold down f8 after bios screen you get a startup menu that shows
safe mode etc. in win98 you had a setting that let menu show every bootup.
how do you do that in xp.

q3. on stat programs win98 had a startup programs folder and a removed
startup items folder. xp does not have that folder. does anyone know how
to put in that folder such that removed startup items appear there.

q4. in win98 the windows temp, cookies, history , temp internet were
separate folders. in xp all folders are subs to temp. need help in
writing a .bat file to cleanup:
deltree/y c:\windows\temp\ cookies\
deltree/y c:\windows\temp\history\
deltree/y c:\windows\temp\tempor~1\
deltree/y c:\windows\temp\wmfa\
deltree/y c:\windows\temp-----------------how do you complete so do not
remove the sub dir's but only the files listed under temp?

q5. spybot finds 5 listings for dso exploit [data source objects] they are
registry entries. what are they? should they be removed? any effects of
1) Check these sites out. Being new to XP, you're going to do what I am
constantly doing, screwing around disabling and enabling Services. :o) Keep
track of what you disable.



2) Start | Run | type: msconfig | Enter or OK | Boot.ini tab | select /BOOTLOG
/bootlog = Enables boot logging to a file called systemroot\Ntbtlog.txt.

3) C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Disabled Startup

4) First it is my understanding that deltree won't work, you have to use del.
EasyCleaner Easily remove Internet Explorer's temporary Internet files, history
and cookies! FREE!!!
5) ???