XP Pro: Login Process Hangs

  • Thread starter Thread starter airkraven
  • Start date Start date


Everything works fine until I attempt to login on the computer. Th
background image comes up, but the computer seems to stop the logi
process. I can Ctrl+Alt+Del and get into the task manager where I ca
execute a few basic system programs, including the command line an
msconfig, notepad, etc. But any other program either does not run o
hangs upon the program window opening, even wordpad. I have trie
booting into safe mode with the windows GUI and I get the same problem
I can only cleanly boot into safe mode with command prompt only. Fro
there I have tried a couple command line scanners, AVG and NAV. Bot
found about 20 different trogan downloader programs but neither wer
able to clean the files and there was no option to just delete th

Also, I am not sure that this is the fault of the trojans as there i
nothing out of the ordinary in the MSconfig startup, unless some of th
system files were corrupted. I do not have any XP pro CDs, the only CD
I have are the rescue CDs for an XP home machine. I do not know i
there is a rescue partition or not and have no way of finding out.

I am stuck. The only option known to me would be to wipe the driv
clean an install Win98SE because that is the only installation CD tha
I have. I would like to avoid doing that if at all possible to avoi
data loss.

Thanks in advance,
As a start, within msconfig, uncheck everything on the startup tab and

The rescue CD will either access the hidden partition or rewrite the drive
with an image on the disk. You will lose data.

Many rescue CDs have different levels of restore, including one that leaves
data intact. You should be able to use the system restore disk to at least
discover what, if any options are available

It does you no harm