XP Pro IBM Laptop CDRW/DVD drive reads audio cds but doesn't see data cds or dvds



Windows XP Pro IBM laptop computer no longer recognizes data cd's or
dvd's but will recognize and play audio cd's properly.

It seems to be windows. I have swapped out the cdrw/dvd bay with a
known working one from an exact same laptop and the behavior persists.
I have logged in as another user and that doesn't help so it doesn't
seem to be a profile issue.

I have gone into Device Manager and completely removed/uninstalled the
drive and allowed windows to run w/o the physical drive in the bay.
Upon insertion XP pro finds the correct harware and installs it
without incident but I still cannot see data cd's through Windows

Any ideas? I'm thinking a full, fresh reinstall of Windows XP.

R. McCarty

Open Explorer, Right Click your units Icon, Left click Properties.
Then click the "AutoPlay" tab, check the handlers for each type
of content.

Is this "Hot-Dockable" device on the Secondary IDE controller
or one of the Firewire supported units ?

When you insert a data disk, do you hear the drive spin up and
can you explore to it and see the content ?

Finally, you can download a tool called Nero CD Speed which
can test CD/DVDs. It's actually a benchmarking tool but it might
help lead you to your problem.

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