XP Pro Freezes Up


Jason Vanderplas

In short the problem I am having is that quite often my XP
pro will completely freeze up. I get no reponse from the
keyboard or mouse, therefore the only recourse is to
reboot. It will happen not only when the computer goes
into Hybernation, but in the middle of writing code,
documents, ect(very frustrating)... I have a hardware
firewall, software firewall, along with antivirus
software, I know a little paranoid, but the most recent
virus scan showed that no viruses were located on my
system. Does any have any idea what might be causing
this, and hopefully a fix???

Thanks in advance!!!! -Jason


maybe a device driver problem.
run sigverif.exe (type this in the run box) to identify any problem device

Jason Vanderplas

Thanks for the speedy reply!!!!

-----Original Message-----
maybe a device driver problem.
run sigverif.exe (type this in the run box) to identify any problem device



I'm having the same problem...and I don't have a ball
under my mouse -- it's an infrared light. Please let me
know if you find out a fix.

Thanks, Harvey

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