Ukejammin said:
I cannot open programs that I drag or copy to the shared folder in user
groups below administrator. I have some apps that I don't want to run in the
admin group, but they will not install in the limited group even if I change
the user permissions.
It really depends on what the applications are. Many older programs (and
some newly, poorly-written ones) don't understand XP's permissions and
insist on being run in an Administrator-level account. Since you didn't
tell us the names of any of the programs with which you are having
problems, I can't be more specific. Check with the program mftrs.' tech
support to see if there are 1) updated versions of the programs that
will work better with XP; 2) any patches or workarounds for the
programs; 3) and if none of the preceding are available, what
permissions need to be set to allow the programs to work in a
non-administrative account. Consider using better-written programs if
possible for your needs.