XP Pro Black Screen after loading Windows, No Safe Mode available


Dambusa girl

Whoa! I am having an issue here. Went to sleep last night and the
computer was working fine. Woke up this morning and the screen was
black...restarted machine and it got to the loading windows page (with
the scrolling indicator), then went black screen (no pointer).

Restared again and I can't even get the menu to start in safe mode.
When I press F8 to get to it, it never makes it to the WinXP loading
screen, just turns black screen.

Took out my video card and put everything back in nice and neatly.
Tried again and i is all the same.

The only screens I see are the ASUS (motherboard) Loading screen, and
then the WinXP loading screen.

Also tried to boot from WinXP disk (thought I would do a repair). CD
seems to be working, but there is a black screen with nothing (should
turn blue).

I am stumped and do not have the money to go get this checked
out...any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


MS News groups

sounds like something getting hot. Does the fan work on processor, power
supply and chipset if it has one. Can you get into bios setup with out black
screen?? Another couple things to try are replace video card for test, take
one stick of ram out then switch and take out other. Or put in a known good
stick and remove the old.


I am having a very similar issue. Although I updated my video driver
using Windows Update, and eventually fell into the same mess. I can
get no farther than the Safe Mode list and no matter the selection, I
end up with black screen. However my monitor does show that a signal
is being sent from the card to the monitor.

I have a ATI Radeon 9000 AIW card, and I've had this problem since I
used Win Update on Wednesday....

Help. I really do not want to wipe my drive clean to re-install


you really from Maine? perfect weather today!!


David MacLeod
Etna, Maine USA
P4 2.8 OC to 3.13
1 GB DDR 466
Radeon 9800 Pro 256 MB
2 Seagate 120 RAID 0


What connection to the monitor do you have? Is it DVI or Analog? If it is
DVI you might want to change it to Analog and try booting up. I have had
this problem when I updated my video driver using an LCD monitor and DVI.
You could try using a different monitor. Just a thought!


I've got an analog monitor, and unfortunately I am unable to even get
into anything in Windows. That is the main problem here... I would
love to be able to rid myself of the video driver, but I can get into
Windows to do it. It sounds like that is the main problem for Dambusa
Girl as well.

I am 90% sure this is going to require a re-install of Windows at this
point, but if y'all know any work arounds, it would be appreciated.

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