XP Pro and Woe



Late November I upgraded my ME to XP Pro. For no known
reason I could not get past the whoops message when trying
to sign on the zone. It was suggested I create a new user
account with admin privs but that didnt work. Beginning of
January it was suggested again but this time I deleted the
zone remnants before restarting and creating the new account
which has allowed me to get back on the zone.
Having two user accounts now seems to give privilidged
access to the twilight zone also. Programs run for one
account but not the other, icons and program menu items
randomly disappear then later reappear.
Have tried to consolidate/share shortcuts and desktop links
by putting them in the all users folder which has helped
some but then things like the sendto menu has two entries
for A:[3.5]floppy happen in one account or the other.

Can I delete/remove the original user account and its
contents/properties without retaliation from XP ?
If no, what is the worst case scenario (less distastrous
then requiring drive format) that I can expect ?
If yes, what do I need to do before deleting the original so
that the remaining account will be associated with and have
access to the installed programs ?

-- I make money the old fashioned way, I print it !


You can delete any account,xp could care less...You could even save the
settings,folders,etc, by file transfer wizard found on the xp cd,set as old
computer.Also,ME was/is a nightmare of an OS,by installing xp thru booting
to xp cd,and install a clean xp OS you pitch the ME junk (xp needs none of
files),you also install xp on a ntfs file system whereas ME uses a outdated
FAT32 file system.


Having used ME for four or so years, I learned of its
anti-robust properties the hard way.

Quick recap:
The original user account couldnt (still cant) get past
whoops when trying to log on to zone.com so I installed a
second account with admin privilidges which worked on the
second try. I want to delete the original and as you said,
get rid of any ME (without reformat) if possible.
I prefer to stay FAT32 for now. I have read where deleting
the administrator account "could" cause problems in windows
but I doubt things can get more bizarr than they are.
Not sure I understand correctly, are you saying, if I boot
from the xp cd and reinstall xp, this will prevent any ME
properties being kluged with xp or is a format and install
the only way to accomplish that ?
Is there any way to save my SP2 update so I can avoid
another 75+ MB d/l on dialup ?

You can delete any account,xp could care less...You could even save the
settings,folders,etc, by file transfer wizard found on the xp cd,set as old
computer.Also,ME was/is a nightmare of an OS,by installing xp thru booting
to xp cd,and install a clean xp OS you pitch the ME junk (xp needs none of
files),you also install xp on a ntfs file system whereas ME uses a outdated
FAT32 file system.

TheRealFastlane said:
Late November I upgraded my ME to XP Pro. For no known
reason I could not get past the whoops message when trying
to sign on the zone. It was suggested I create a new user
account with admin privs but that didnt work. Beginning of
January it was suggested again but this time I deleted the
zone remnants before restarting and creating the new account
which has allowed me to get back on the zone.
Having two user accounts now seems to give privilidged
access to the twilight zone also. Programs run for one
account but not the other, icons and program menu items
randomly disappear then later reappear.
Have tried to consolidate/share shortcuts and desktop links
by putting them in the all users folder which has helped
some but then things like the sendto menu has two entries
for A:[3.5]floppy happen in one account or the other.

Can I delete/remove the original user account and its
contents/properties without retaliation from XP ?
If no, what is the worst case scenario (less distastrous
then requiring drive format) that I can expect ?
If yes, what do I need to do before deleting the original so
that the remaining account will be associated with and have
access to the installed programs ?

-- I make money the old fashioned way, I print it !

-- I make money the old fashioned way, I print it !

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